Example: methanol and water, heat is added to the mixture of methanol and water and eventually the most volatile component (methanol) begins to vaporize. As the methanol vaporizes it takes with it molecules of water.
The methanol-water vapor mixture is then condensed and evaporated again, giving a higher mole fraction of methanol in the vapor phase and a higher mole fraction of water in the liquid phase. This process of condensation and evaporation continues in stages up the column until the methanol rich vapor component is condensed and collected as tops product (99.5% recovery / 99.5% pure) and the water rich liquid is collected as bottoms product.
Ylem Parto manufacturer of distillation columns for various applications. Fractional distillation is a method used to separate liquids with similar boiling points. This method relies upon a gradient of temperatures existing in the condenser stage of the equipment.
A vertical condenser is often used in the fractional distillation technique. Extracting products in the liquid stage at the different heights of the column makes it possible for the extraction of liquids that have different boiling points. The greater the distance over which the temperature gradient in the condenser is applied, the easier and the greater separation is.
Heating under reflex allows the mixture including volatile materials to be heated for a long time without loosing any solvent. If a mixture of liquids forms an azeotrope, then that mixture cannot be completely separated by fractional distillation.