Ylem Parto offers a cone crusher is the cone crusher which is the earliest appearance in the world, and it is used widest and larger quantity crush mechanism in present.

(1).Have many types of cavity.
Cone crusher possess special design, and the custom could select type of the cavity which has high efficiency, uniform granularity, good shape, uniform abrasion and long use life of bowl liner and mantle.
(2).Dry oil seal to prevent the dust. The cone crusher possess special seal structure, so it has credible seal effect, and prolong the cycle of the lube and use life.
(3).Choose special material to manufacture key assemblies to support large crush power.
(4).High yield. To contrast other type of the crusher, cone crusher has longer crush arm, larger stoke, larger crush power. It can crush the materiel mote efficiently.
(5).Each stroke crushes more materiel.
(6).The crush cone has long distance to bowl liner in every stroke, so the crusher allows more material get into the cavity and produces larger yield, and the materiel pass through the cavity more quickly.
(7).Low cost of daily run and maintenance. Choose the right manufacture material and structure, prolong the use life; the long crush arm to reduce the load of slip bearing, gear, and shell; the granularity of the product is uniform which reduces the cycle load; the system of cleaning cavity with hydraulic pressure is convenient , save time, low power and distribution in reason.
Instruction for manufacturing capacity Of Cone Crusher:
The capacity exertion of the crusher to some extent depends on whether the facilities are really suitably matched. The follow factors will do some help to manufacturing capacity of the crusher:
(1).To chose the right cavity.
To choose the cavity according to the size of the material, the crushed level and the request to the size of the rock.
(2).The max granularity should less than the diameter of the inlet by 0.85 times.
(3).The grade of feeding granularity should be suitable.
(4).To control the quantity of the feeding material automatically.
(5).The feeding material will be distributed evenly.
(6).The bottom of the crusher can favorably discharge the material.
(7).The material discharge strap of conveyor matches the max manufacturing capacity.
(8).The pre-ridding matches the after-ridding.
Capacity: 15-500 ton/hr
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