- Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
- Chemical Vapor Infilitration (CVI)
- Research & Technology (R&D)
- 1500°C AND upgrade upto 2200°
- Inconel/Monel
- Zirconium
- Ceramic
- Special Alloys
- Mixing Chamber/ Manifold
- Vacuum Chamber
- Hot Zone
- Power Supply
- Vacuum Pump
- Scrubber System
- Programmable Control System.
Mixing Chamber :
MOC : Stainless Steel/Special Alloy due to chlorinated or fluorinated gases.
Configuration : Chamber,gas inlet and outlet nozzles, water jacket, piping connection, flanges operated.
Gaskets : Nickel or special alloy gaskets are used as vacuum seals on small diameter piping where practical, and O-rings on larger diameter flanges such as the main door and vacuum pumping system ports.
Heating Elements : Specialized Alloy or ceramics.
Insulation : Highly insulated material used to make system work efficiently.
Retort : Special Alloy
Gas Distribution : Custom designed as per application requirement.
CVD/CVI Furnace Type : Vertical or Horizontal
Gas Controls :
System Design : As per system requirement.
Controlling Valve : Rotometers, needle valve, pressure gauge, manual blanket gas controls.
The blanket gas controls include a shut-off valve, rotometer flow indicator, and a needle valve to adjust the flow of protective inert gases which surround the retort.
Other Optionals :
- Mass flow controllers,
- Automatic retort pressure control systems
- Automatic blanket gas pressure control systems.
The automatic retort downstream pressure control system includes an absolute pressure capacitance manometer, a proportional control valve on the retort exhaust manifold, and a pressure control panel for maintaining process gas pressure at a constant level.
The automatic blanket gas upstream pressure control system uses a differential pressure capacitance manometer to monitor the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the retort. A set-point control panel maintains a constant positive pressure differential outside the retort by adjusting a proportional valve which controls inert blanket gas flow.
CVD and CVI vacuum furnaces must be furnished with a combustible gas safety system if explosive concentrations of combustible gases will be present. This optional system includes a blow-off port, burn-off tower, and extensive safety interlocks. Blow off and pressure relief ports must be properly vented by the user.
Special Features :
Corrosion resistant vacuum pump, gauges and fittings
Complete stainless steel chamber construction
Vacuum Pump :
- Corrosion resistant two stage mechanical vacuum pumps designed for operation with chlorinated and fluorinated gases. S
- tandard pumps are sized for rapid chamber evacuation to less than 0.1 - 0.5 torr in approximately five minutes.
The chamber can then be backfilled for deposition near atmospheric pressure, or operated above one torr with moderate gas flows. Deposition at lower pressures or with high gas flows will require a larger pump or the addition of a mechanical booster pump.
All pumps are normally provided with high-grade hydrocarbon oil. Synthetic inert fluids can be optionally provided, as well as oil filtration systems, inlet traps, and mist eliminators.
Power Supply :
Supply : 380/415/440V, 3Ph+N,
Temperature : 1500°C or 2200°C.
Time : Furnace heatup time to full temperature is typically one to two hours or less.
Instrumentation :
- Two thermocouple gauges measure vacuum
- PLC coordinates system functions and provides safety interlocks.
Typical control cabinet features include:
• Pyrometer or TC • Ionization gauge
• TC gauges • Programmable logic controller
• Voltmeters • Ammeters
Installation :
Scrubbers, gas bubblers, gas cabinets, mass spectrometers, exhaust hoods, and related equipment.
Custom or Tailor Made Design:
Designing : Custom vacuum furnace system to meet your exact requirements. with enhancing same quality and reliability in a customized system.
Tailor Made : Larger work loads, specialized control requirements, and proprietary gas handling systems.
Detailed engineering, design, fabrication, and testing skills are available for use in developing furnaces built for a specific application. and for research & development(R&D).
For further details or requirements, send Enquiry